Original disclosure @ WB website
Updated in EWS Apr 9, 2024
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The development objective of the Third Phase of the Eastern Caribbean Regional Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Program Project for Dominica is to reduce vulnerability to natural hazards and climate change impacts in Dominica through: (i) investment in resilient infrastructure, and (ii) improved hazard data collection and monitoring systems. The project has four components. The first component, prevention and adaptation investments will be designed to reduce physical vulnerability and pilot adaptive measures to build resilience to current and future hydro meteorological shocks. The second component, capacity building and data development, hazard risk management, and evaluation will support the creation of relevant core data and data collection systems as well as the integration analytical tools to permit improved decision making and engineering design for risk reduction and climate change adaptation. The third component, natural disaster response investments will support carrying out of emergency recovery and reconstruction subprojects under an agreed action plan of activities designed as a mechanism to implement the Recipient's response to an emergency. This provisional component will allow rapid reallocation of the International Development Association (IDA) credit, under streamlined procurement and disbursement procedures, to cover emergency response and recovery costs following an adverse natural event that causes a major disaster in Dominica. The fourth component, project management and implementation support will support strengthening the institutional capacity for project management.
Name: Ministry of Finance
Contact: Ms Rosamund Edwards
Title: Finance Secretary
Tel: 767-266-3221
Email: esdwardsr@dominica.gov.dm
Implementing Agencies
Name: Ministry of Environment
Contact: Harold Guiste
Title: Permanent Secretary
Tel: 767-266-3238
Email: psagriculture@dominica.gov.dm