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According to the World Bank project page, the p objective of the 'Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project for India' is to" improve urban services delivery in participating ULBs in a financially sustainable manner and to pilot improved urban management practices in selected cities". The project is comprised of three components: (i) Results Based Grants for Urban Governance; (ii) Investments in Urban Services (comprising three sub-components); and (iii) Urban Sector Technical Assistance. The first component provides results-based grants to eligible urban local bodies (ULBs) to implement new urban-management models that strengthen governance and financial sustainability. It will also provide technical assistance and project management assistance to administer and carry out the results-based grants. It will support three ULBs (Model Cities), namely, Vellore and Erode Municipal Corporations, and Hosur Municipality, in improving urban management in four areas: (i) ULB empowerment and organizational capacity; (ii) spatial / development planning; (iii) sustainable finances; and (iv) e-governance and public disclosure. The second component provides sub-loans to sub-borrowers by Tamil Nadu Urban Development Fund (TNUDF) and sub-grants to sub-recipients by the project sustainability grant fund (PSGF) to implement sub-projects. These sub loans /sub-grants to participating ULBs will support improvements in a range of urban services, including water, sewerage, municipal solid waste, urban transportation, septage management, and stormwater drainage, as well as support project management and supervision. The second sub-component creates a reserve fund in PSGF to provide credit enhancements for municipal bonds. Finally, the third component is aimed at strengthening Tamil Nadu's capacity to carry out urban finance and municipal governance reforms in: (i) developing next-generation municipal e-governance; (ii) institutional development and capacity building, including training, sector studies, operations, and maintenance, and strengthening public financial management at ULBs; and (iii) project management.
Bank financing World Bank, IBRD Loan, Investment Project Financing
Borrower: Government of India
Amount of bank loan or investment: 400 million USD
Total project cost: 600 million USD
Project Contacts
Contact: Mrs. Anita Praveen
Title: Chairperson and Managing Director Tel: 914428153114
World Bank Team Leader: Raghu Kesavan
World Bank documents note that its policy requires consultations with "project affected people" and state that consultations with communities to be affected by this project are "in progress" but fail to disclose specific dates or outcomes. Bank documents also state that the final version of the Environmental Impact Assessment/Social Impact Assessment reports, Environmental Management Plan and Resettlement Action Plan in English with a non-technical summary in Tamil will be disclosed online ( and in the offices of the borrower and project implementation agencies.
According to the draft Resettlement Action Plan for the project, a Grievance Committee (GRC) will be set up with the following members: The Zonal Officer/Regional Deputy Commissioners of the CoC, "a person of local repute", an elected representative of the ward and an Executive Engineer. This plan further states that Zonal Officers and Regional Deputy Commissioners will primarily handle all complaints, grievances can be submitted in a written form, and all complaints must be resolved 30 days.
The World Bank Inspection Panel is the independent complaint mechanism and fact-finding body for people who believe they are likely to be, or have been, adversely affected by a World Bank-financed project. If you submit a complaint to the Inspection Panel, they may investigate to assess whether the World Bank is following its own policies and procedures for preventing harm to people or the environment. You can contact the Inspection Panel or submit a complaint by emailing You can learn more about the Inspection Panel and how to file a complaint at: