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According to ADB website, ADB is helping Mongolia improve the efficiency of its social welfare and insurance services, which include food assistance. The project provides additional financing to scale up social welfare reforms, improve the delivery of social insurance services, and modernize the social protection sector.
The original program ($9 million ADF) included the design and implementation of a food stamp program as part of the social welfare system. The original project ($3 million ADF) improved targeting and prepared strategies to reform social welfare. The additional financing will scale up the original project by pursuing the reforms initiated to date in social welfare. Social welfare benefits will be further consolidated to reduce the complexity of the system and increase its effectiveness. The use of proxy means testing to identify poor households will be expanded to apply to other social welfare benefits. The additional financing will also support an expansion in the scope of the original project by improving social insurance services.
Project Officer: Mamatkulov, Raushanbek
East Asia Department
No contact information provided at the time of disclosure
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