Original disclosure @ NDB website
Updated in EWS Feb 20, 2025
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According to the NDB, the Project consists of the following:
• Component 1: Third link road from Serra to Vitória. This comprises construction of a bypass route linking Serra and Vitória in Carapina
• Component 2: Reinforcement of the link road between BR-101 and Avenida Norte-Sul. This comprises upgrade of a road passing through Taquara II neighbourhood and connecting Avenida Norte-Sul and BR101.
• Component 3: Capacity building component. This comprises development of a municipal wide road management system which will provide a comprehensive repository of the road assets of the municipality.
• Design and Studies. This comprises preparation of basic engineering designs and environmental and social studies for Component 1 and Component 2.
• Land Acquisition. This comprises acquisition of land required for implementing Component 1 and Component 2.
• Project Management, Supervision and Audit. This comprises consultancy services for project management, construction supervision and external audit for the Project.
According to the NDB, the Project will be financed through NDB Loan and funding from the municipality’s budget.
Public Sector Department
Municipality of Serra
Ninad Rajpurkar
Henrique Valentim Martins da Silva
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The New Development Bank (NDB) does not currently have an independent accountability mechanism to accept complaints related to NDB-financed projects. The Bank does have a whistleblower mechanism that receives complaints about misconduct related to corruption, fraudulent practices and instances of money laundering in projects financed by the NDB and/or against the NDB staff members. To learn more about the whistleblower mechanism and how to file a complaint, access this webpage at: https://www.ndb.int/about-us/whistleblowing/.