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According to the Bank’s website, the objective is to strengthen institutional capacity for climate-informed urban growth management and urban infrastructure delivery, and increase access to affordable housing solutions in select urban areas in Angola.
The PACSA Program will support design and implementation of three of the four sub programs of the Guided Self-Construction Program (Auto-Construcção Dirigida, ACD) (the sub-program targeting agricultural areas is excluded) in selected secondary cities, focusing on the provision of basic services, planning instruments, titling, and beneficiary selection and transfer. Through the implementation of the Program, local and national institutions will be strengthened for the effective management of urban growth in three of Angola’s largest secondary cities – Huambo, Benguela, and Lubango – and capacity for the management of public-private partnerships for the delivery of affordable housing will be enhanced.
The overall risk of the Program is assessed as ‘Substantial’. The following risk categories are rated substantial: Macroeconomic, Technical Design of the Program, Institutional Capacity for Implementation and Sustainability, Fiduciary, and Environmental and Social.
PACSA will not finance any high-risk activity that may have adverse environmental and social risks. The Program will avoid subprojects that are likely to cause significant adverse impacts on the environment and/or affected people; particularly risks associated with potential loss or conversion of natural habitats, potential pollution or other project externalities, and changes in land or resource use. The Program will also consider social effects such as nature/scale of involuntary resettlement or land acquisition required, and potential impacts on vulnerable communities.
A proposed loan in the amount of US$300 million.
Counterpart Funding (Borrower/Recipient): US$100 million.
World Bank
Catherine Lynch
Senior Urban Specialist
Ministry of Finance
Implementing Agencies
Ministry of Public Works, Urbanization, and Housing
Carlos Alberto dos Santos
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