Original disclosure @ WB website
Updated in EWS May 5, 2022
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The project will be implemented by an integrated Project Management Unit, under the leadership of the MoYS, and partner agencies from the Ministry of Education, and other relevant Ministries, supported by implementing partners such as NGOs and community-based organizations.
The Ministry of Youths and Sports (MoYS) will be implementing the project partnering with the BOU and NGOs in coordination with the Department of Youth Development (DYD), Directorate of Sports, National Sports Council, Bangladesh Krira Shikkha Protishtan (BKSP) and the local government authorities at the Union, Upazila and Districts. The MoYS and it’s implementation partners have no prior experience of implementing World Bank financed project therefore, they are new to the World Bank Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) requirements and procedures. A detailed assessment of the capacity of the implementing and partner agencies will be carried out during preparation. Project design will include capacity risk assessments and development of related risks mitigation. Institutional capacity of the implementing agencies will need to be strengthened for implementation and coordination of other partnering ministries and non-governmental organizations.
1.Syed Rashed Al-Zayed
Senior Economist
Telephone: 5764+4335
Email ID: salzayed@worldbank.org
2. Mokhlesur Rahman,
Senior Operations Officer
Telephone: 5764+4351
Email ID: mrahman2@worldbank.org
Ministry of Youth and Sports
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