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According to bank documents, the project objective is to improve reliability and quality of water supply services and to strengthen the financial and operational performance of sector institutions in the Palestinian territories for improved service delivery.
The project will consist of four components:
Component 1. Improvement of Water and Wastewater service management. This component will finance investments11 in the water and wastewater facilities based on identified priorities. The aim of these investments is to provide safely managed water supply services to unserved population and ensure efficiency of the operation and maintenance of existing wastewater treatment plants. It will also finance new required infrastructure for bulk water supply and expansion of water distribution networks to remove critical bottlenecks and improve water allocation as follows:
− Increasing the groundwater supply through the drilling of wells in selected locations.
− Enhance the distribution network in Northern West Bank.
− Ensure sustainability of selected Bank-funded sanitation facilities.
− Feasibility studies and engineering design of subsequent infrastructure investments.
Component 2. Improve performance of Water Sector Service Providers. This component will finance goods, works and services to enhance water institutions and the SPs’ operational and financial efficiency, and their responsiveness to emergencies. It will also provide necessary technical assistance and capacity building activities to address sector challenges and sector reform and will support improved social accountability of service providers. This component will build on the technical assistance provided under the ongoing projects supported by the World Bank, AFD and other donors. and will include the following four subcomponents:
Subcomponent 2.1: Strategic planning and sector reform: this subcomponent will include interventions that aim to accelerate the implementation of sector reform related to the clustering of service providers under the LGUs and establishment of RWUs. This subcomponent will also include interventions to enhance the PWA’s capacity to develope and implement water sector policies, strategies, and sector development plans.
Subcomponent 2.2: Improve Financial and Operational Performance of the Service Providers: this sub-component will provide necessary technical assistance and building capacity of service providers to (a) support clustering of the SPs under the LGUs, (b) improve their operational and managerial performance enhancing efficiency in service delivery and reducing the NRW.
Subcomponent 2.3: Improve Social Accountability of Service Providers: The project will support a technical assistance for the design and implementation of a Public Awareness Campaign (PAC) program for improved service Subject to availability of funds the project might finance other infrastructure to be confirmed during project preparation delivery to end-users and responsiveness of SPs to client demand based on reliable information systems and realtime communication with the beneficiaries.
Component 3. Project Management and Monitoring. This component will support the Project Coordination Team (PCT) and Project Implementation Unit (PIU) that will coordinate, implement, monitor and report on the project implementation progress. To facilitate project implementation and mitigate institutional capacity risks, the Project will support the hiring of experts on a competitive basis.
Component 4: Contingent Emergency Response Component. This component will improve the PA’s ability to respond effectively in the event of an emergency in line with World Bank procedures on disaster prevention and preparedness.
World Bank:
Sana Kh.H. Agha Al Nimer, Adnan Farouq Saad Aldin Ghosheh
Senior Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist
Palestine Liberation Organization for the Benefit of the Palestinian Authority
Implementing Agency:
Palestinian Water Authority (PWA)
Mazen Ghunaim
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