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According to the project document, the project development objective is to demonstrate a public-private partnership consistent with good international practices to implement an intercity railway project between Chuzhou and Nanjing Municipalities.
Chuzhou Municipal Government (CMG) will create the Chuzhou-Nanjing Intercity Railway Development Company (CNIRDC). CNIRDC will represent CMG in the development of the proposed project. Nanjing Municipal Government (NMG) will designate Nanjing Metro Company (NMC) as its representative. The two companies will sign a cooperation framework agreement on behalf of their respective governments to jointly develop the proposed project.
Specifically, CNIRDC will be responsible for the Feasibility Study Reports (FSRs) and engineering design of the entire 54.3 km project. However, approval of the FSRs and engineering design of sections in the two provinces will be processed separately in the respective jurisdictions by CNIRDC and NMC. Further, CNIRDC and NMC will each be responsible for land acquisition and resettlement in Chuzhou and Nanjing respectively. The two companies will form a project company that will be responsible for project implementation.
The Bank team will provide training to clients from responsible institutions to build their knowledge and capacity in safeguards. The CNIRDC will engage environmental and social safeguard specialists to prepare the safeguard documents, oversee the project implementation and ensure the proposed project complies with the Bank’s safeguards policies
Government Resources (Chinese Government - Equity) US$ 50.00 million
Private Sector Equity US$ 450.00 million
IBRD (World Bank - Loan) US$ 150.00 million
Unguaranteed (Commercial Debt) US$ 1,850.00 million
1/World Bank
Bernard Aritua, Yi Yang
Senior Infrastructure Specialist
People’s Republic of China
Contact: Xia Lyu
Position: Director, Ministry of Finance, People's Republic of China
3/Implementing Agencies
Anhui Development and Reform Commission
Contact: Wei Sheng
Position: Deputy Director
The World Bank
1818 H Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20433
Telephone: (202) 473-1000
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