Original disclosure @ WB website
Disclosed by Bank May 26, 2017
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According to the bank:
Sub-component 1.1: The objective of this sub-component is to work with national government agencies, sub-regional government agencies and indigenous and other forest dependent community organizations to support local efforts to secure forest land ownership and use (e.g., forest concessions). In particular, this component will support the registering of indigenous people located in the three districts, in the National Registry of Native Communities, through the provision of technical and legal assistance to native communities. Recognition of a native community in the National Registry of Native Communities as a legal entity is a prerequisite for initiating the land titling process. The component will also finance the demarcation and titling process, which establishes the geographic location and physical boundary for native communities' land and formally registers title for native communities, by covering the costs charged by the respective entities (e.g., regional agricultural offices) to carry out these processes.
Sub component 1.2: This sub-component aims to foster reduced forest-related crimes and illegal activities and to ensure compliance with sustainable forest management practices, through improving information management, increasing institutional transparency and accountability across relevant institutions, and building the skills base and capacity of forest stakeholders around sustainability principles. Activities will support Regional Environmental Authority personnel, responsible for law enforcement within forest areas, in improving the prevention, inspection, and detection of crimes and illegal activities in forested areas.
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