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According to the bank document, the development objective of Second Enhanced Vocational Education and Training Project for Nepal are to improve equitable access to market relevant training programs and to strengthen the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) sector service delivery in Nepal.
The project, through its first component, is designed to support the TVET sector in Nepal at different levels the system, the institution, and the individual. Activities supported under the project include upgrading the quality of TVET facilities, supporting key human resources that are critical for the quality of service delivery, improving access for disadvantaged groups, supporting missing links between training and placement to help youth find work, improving the availability of information linking skills supply and demand, and improving governance through performance-based funding of training providers. The project will also support migrants through training and skill testing and certification. The project will use a Disbursement-linked Indicator (DLI) modality for reimbursement, and a subset of outputs and outcomes supporting the achievement of the PDO have been identified as disbursement triggers. A second component will focus on project management, M&E, and sector-wide initiatives such as preparation of a skill development framework, strengthening of information systems, and communications and outreach.
Implementing Agencies
Ministry of Education
Mr. Tek Narayan Pandey
Joint Secretary
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