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According to World Bank website, The development objective of the Implementation of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Project is to strengthen the institutional structure for EITI implementation and to facilitate an informed multi-stakeholder debate about the extractive industries in Myanmar. The grant supports the first phases of implementation of Myanmar’s EITI Work plan. On April 7, 2014, the Myanmar EITI Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG) completed an approved work plan for EITI implementation, in keeping with the EITI candidacy requirements. The total work plan cost is US $3.9 million for two years, starting in January 2015. The grant ($290,000 recipient-execution and $200,000 Bank-execution) from the EITI MDTF will fund the first months of EITI implementation, most importantly the production of the first EITI report by January 2, 2016. The MSG and the Ministry of Finance (MoF) have asked that the remaining US $3.4 million be funded by partners through the Bank-managed country MDTF, to be processed later in 2015. Taken together these two grants, from the global EITI MDTF and the Myanmar country MDTF, constitute one program of Bank support for the implementation of the Myanmar EITI work plan.
Team Leader: Morten Larsen
Mining Specialist, World Bank
No contact information provided at the time of disclosure.
Executing Agency: EITI Unit, Budget Department, Ministry of Finance
Daw Tin Tin Ohn, Deputy Director General
Telephone No.: +95 - 067410457
Email Address:
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