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The Project’s Development objective is to reduce delays at the Ubungo intersection, and improve the Bus Rapid Transit operations and management capacity in Dar es Salaam city, to the benefit of all roads users. It will entail the improvement of Ubungo Intersection involving construction of a flyover at the Ubungo intersection. It will support the BRT phase 1 complementary infrastructure (9 km) that includes the rehabilitation of three feeder routes and introduction of long-term performance based maintenance contract for BRT phase 1 infrastructure. Feeder roads proposed to be rehabilitated includes Shekilango street (3.8 km), Fire station – Muhimbili (1.75 km), and Kigogo junction – Urafiki via Usafirishaji (3.4 km). The proposed rehabilitation works would include provision of bus bays/stops, bicycle lanes and pedestrians walkways.
Location: The proposed project is located in Kinondoni District in the Central Business District of Dar-es-Salaam City. The proposed construction of a grade separated junction at the Ubungo intersection is within the BRT Corridor along the central corridor serving all traffic into and out of Dar-es-Salaam and the hinterland.
Risk Assessment: Category A.
The World Bank classifies proposed projects based on the type, location, sensitivity, and scale of the project and the nature and severity of its potential environmental impacts. Category A is assigned to a project only if it is likely to have “significant adverse environmental impacts that are sensitive, diverse or unprecedented.”
Based on available documents, the following World Bank environmental and social policies will be triggered by the project:
Environmental Assessment OP/BP 4.01:
this safeguard is triggered due to “accidental spillage of fuel, motor oils, and chemicals like paints that is likely to cause pollution of ground water and soil.” Deposition of concrete and fine sediments during construction may cause effects to the Kibangu/Ubungo river crossing Mandela road about 100 m from the intersection and Ngombe river crossing Sam Nujoma about 100m from the intersection. Dust generated from land clearing, extraction, transportation, offloading, stockpiling and spreading of sand and gravel is likely to have a negative impact on the air quality. During construction, the increased traffic movement is likely to result into traffic congestion and disruption specifically at road crossings.
Physical Cultural Resources OP/BP 4.11:
this safeguard is triggered because “most of the works under the project involves improvements within existing road corridors requiring procedures for addressing any chance finds of physical or cultural resource such as burial and archaeological sites.”
Involuntary Resettlement OP/BP 4.1:
this safeguard is triggered because “social dislocation and displacement will occur due to land needed for the construction and relocation of the utilities affecting 451 households with approximate 2370 members and their livelihoods.” Project Affected Persons who own business and residential structures in the project area will lose land and their structures as well including public and religious institutions who own land and structures in the project area.
Based on available World Bank documents, the following human rights may be impacted:
Right to Property & Adequate Housing:
Project documents indicate that the implementation of the project will cause land expropriation and loss of structures. The need for land to improve the Ubungo intersection may entail the voluntary sale or compulsory acquisition of homes, property, businesses, and other productive resources. Land that is likely to be lost and developments thereon include twenty three (23) residential structures, twenty six (26) business structures, two (2) mosques and three (3) institutions. Road works are also likely to cause loss of trees including 73 trees for private households and 8 trees of one religious institution (Muslim).
Right to Livelihood
Bank documents state that involuntary displacement or resettlement during project implementation is likely to cause social disruption and economic loss for the vending businesses within the road reserve around the Ubungo Intersection. About 59 properties will be affected during the construction works. Road works will also involve the relocation of utility facilities such as water supply, sewer pipes, telephone, electric cable and gas pipes causing service cut-off for the communities in that area. The available opportunities for employment may attract children to seek temporary jobs contrary to the national and international laws which prohibit child labor.
Right to a Healthy Environment
During construction, the increased traffic movements will result into traffic congestion and disruption specifically at road crossings. Air pollution may occur due to the release of exhaust fumes from operating construction machinery, equipment and vehicles. Air quality may also be affected by dust generated from land clearing, extraction, transportation, offloading, stockpiling and spreading of sand and gravel. The improvement of Ubungo Intersection will be accompanied by in-migration of job seekers which may increase the spread of diseases including sexually transmitted illnesses from sex trade and water borne diseases due to poor sanitation. Increased traffic movement across the project area is likely to cause considerable noise and vibrations produced by construction equipment and trucks during transport, and delivery of construction materials to the project site. Bank documents also state that there are risks of “accidental spillage of fuel, motor oils, and chemicals like paints that is likely to cause pollution of ground water and soil.”
Right to Water
Pollution of ground water and soil may occur due to accidental spillage of fuel, motor oils, and chemicals. Construction of road embankments is likely to interfere with natural surface flow patterns and the additional discharge of storm water collected from the roadsides is likely to concentrate flow in one direction, resulting into channel modification.
Bank financing: World Bank
Borrower: United Republic of Tanzania
Amount of bank loan or investment: $100m
Total project cost: $143m
$12m will be financed by the Republic of Tanzania
Private Actor 1 | Private Actor 1 Role | Private Actor 1 Sector | Relation | Private Actor 2 | Private Actor 2 Role | Private Actor 2 Sector |
- | - | - | - | Tanroads | Client | - |
P. O. BOX11364, 3rd Floor, Airtel House
Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road/Kawawa Roads Junction
Dar es Slaam Tanzania
Consultations with communities:
Bank documents state that "a wide public consultation was carried out in form of meetings and interviews with the different stakeholders including TANROADS’, Dar es Salaam Regional Office, officials from the project area and local government including Mtaa and Ward officials and affected communities." The field visits were conducted from February to June 2014 to fully visualize the project site, capture the biophysical environment and the socio-economic conditions in the project area. Public consultation was used amongst other things to identify the population affected by the project. It also served the purpose of creating and enabling environment for PAPs and stakeholder participation and inclusion in project implementation. Bank documents state that a total of 375 people were consulted through seven (7) public meetings with Municipal Officials, Ward Officials and Mtaa Leaders and a total of 451 households’ interviews were conducted.
Project-Level Grievance mechanisms:
There will be Mtaa Grievance Redress Committee (MGRC) comprising the Mayor (Chair), Representative of TANROADS, Representative of Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, Valuer, Two representatives of Project Affected Person’s (business and residential) and a Representative of a Local Non-Government Organization. The committee will among other things;
The World Bank Inspection Panel is the independent complaint mechanism and fact-finding body for people who believe they are likely to be, or have been, adversely affected by a World Bank-financed project. If you submit a complaint to the Inspection Panel, they may investigate to assess whether the World Bank is following its own policies and procedures for preventing harm to people or the environment. You can contact the Inspection Panel or submit a complaint by emailing You can learn more about the Inspection Panel and how to file a complaint at: