Original disclosure @ GCF website
Updated in EWS Jul 29, 2020
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According to GCF website, the CAMP4ASB Program is a World Bank Group program addressing both adaptation and mitigation support in the Aral Sea Basin. The program builds regional cooperation to the challenges of climate change. GCF investments will contribute to CAMP4ASB by addressing adaptation, initially in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
GCF's engagement will allow support for the adoption of climate-smart rural production and landscape management investments through a regional climate investment facility. This will target the poorest and most climate-vulnerable rural communities, benefiting farmers and village in particular. The facility will strengthen climate resilience and food security. Agricultural, land and water management practices will be implemented based on local agro-ecological conditions in order to strengthen climate change resilience. Investments via the facility will be demand-driven, but will include crop diversification, water resource management, rehabilitation of degraded land, conservation agriculture, livestock production improvements, agro-products processing, energy efficiency improvements and expansion of renewable energy sources.
Ms. Claudia Croce
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and International Development Association (World Bank)
Telephone No.: +1 202 458 1697
Email Address: ccroce@worldbank.org
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