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According to bank's website, FMO's funding will be used by Sudameris to provide loans to SMEs and corporate sub-borrowers for general purposes and at least 30% of the loan will be directed to finance green investments in line with FMO's green lending criteria aimed at energy efficiency and renewable energy.
The "Investment Type" and "Investment Amount" were not available at the moment of the snapshot.
FMO's funding will be used by Sudameris to provide loans to SMEs and corporate sub-borrowers for general purposes and at least 30% of the loan will be directed to finance green investments in line with FMO's green lending criteria aimed at energy efficiency and renewable energy.
Sudameris is a mid-sized universal bank with almost 10% market share (rank #4) in the Paraguayan banking sector. The bank serves primarily commercial clients with 61% of its portfolio directed to corporate clients and 33% to SMEs. The bank's portfolio is relatively diversified by sectors with the most relevant being industry, agriculture, commerce and cattle.
No contact information provided at the time of disclosure.
Communities who believe they will be negatively affected by a project funded by the Dutch Development Bank (FMO) may be able to file a complaint with the Independent Complaints Mechanism, which is the joint independent accountability mechanism of the Dutch Development Bank (FMO) and the German Investment Corporation (KfW) . A complaint can be filed in writing, by email, post, or online. The complaint can be filed in English or any other language of the complainant. The Independent Complaints Mechanism is comprised of a three-member Independent Expert Panel and it can provide either problem-solving, compliance review or both, in either order. Additional information about this accountability mechanism, including a guide and template for filing a complaint, can be found at: