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According to the AIIB, the Program aims to enhance labor productivity through human capital development to support an accelerated economic recovery from the coronavirus disease pandemic.
The government's Vision of Indonesia 2045 and National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024 focus on human capital development as a critical driver of long-run economic growth, which underpins the transition to an upper middle-income country. The proposed program is centered on the RPJMN's human capital development strategy, incorporating reforms in educational attainment, skill development, and social protection and public health systems improvement.
According to the disclosure of the ADB, the Program is co-financed by the ADB with USD 500 million, and by the KfW Bankengruppe with USD 462.24 million.
AIIB Team Leader:
Jana Halida Uno - Senior Investment Operations Specialist, Urban
ADB Team Leader:
Mohd Sani Mohd Ismail - Principal Financial Sector Specialist, SEPF, SERD
Borrower - Government of Indonesia:
Suminto - Director General of Budget Financing and Risk Management, Ministry of Finance
You can submit an information request for project information at:
The AIIB has established the Accountability Mechanism for Project-Affected People (PPM). The PPM provides Òan opportunity for an independent and impartial review of submissions from Project-affected people who believe they have been or are likely to be adversely affected by AIIBÕs failure to implement the ESP in situations when their concerns cannot be addressed satisfactorily through Project level GRMs or AIIB Management processes.Ó Two or more project-affected people can file a complaint. Under the current AIIB policy, when the bank co-finances a project with another development bank, it may apply the other bank's standards. You can refer to the Project Summary Information document to find out which standards apply. You can learn more about the PPM and how to file a complaint at:
The complaint submission form can be accessed in Arabic, Bahasa Indonesia, Bengali, Chinese, English, Tagalog, Hindi, Nepali, Russian, Turkish, or Urdu. The submission form can be found at: