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According to the Bank’s website, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved the Naryn Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Development Program (the ongoing results-based lending [RBL] program) on 8 November 2019, with a total ADB financing amount of $27.4 million. The ongoing RBL program aims to provide potable water and sanitation to 64,000 rural population and benefit 21 education and health facilities in Naryn province. The additional financing will scale up the existing scope of the ongoing RBL program to reach 100,000 people and 37 education and health facilities, while also supporting sector reform and climate change initiatives using the same financing modality.
The expected outcome is to improve inclusive and reliable access to safe water supply and sanitation for rural communities in Naryn.
The potential impacts resulting from the ongoing and additional financing activities under the program are expected to be largely localized, site-specific, and short-term in nature and limited to the construction phase of the project. Adverse environmental impacts will be temporary, limited to the period of construction, localized within construction sites, and can be mitigated through appropriate construction practices. Thus, the program has been classified as category B for environment. The expected environmental, health and safety impacts include dust emissions and localized atmospheric air pollution, increase of noise and vibration level creating nuisance for neighboring residents excess soil disposal, occupational health and safety hazards for construction workers and community when working in deep, open trenches, lack of drainage leading to soil erosion, sedimentation, and health hazards, contamination of ground and surface water, waste generation, hazardous waste (including asbestos) management, damage to aesthetics of site and/or area, impact on access roads and traffic due to increased movement of vehicles bring in construction materials and carrying away debris and waste products, disposal of sludge from sewage pits during operational phase of project, and fecal ground water pollution by on-site sanitation systems.
The potential involuntary resettlement (IR) impacts resulting from the program activities are not expected to be significant. The project involves construction of water and sewerage systems, which may require minor IR, thus the Program is classified as a category B for IR. Some land will be acquired in villages where there is no suitable land owned by local authorities (Aiyl Okmotu - AO). The detailed impact will be assessed for each village after the final design for the reservoir, pumps, substations, and other necessary structures is completed.
Indigenous peoples. No principles of ADB’s indigenous peoples’ policy will be triggered by the program, as there are no indigenous peoples living in the project area.
Loan (Concessional ordinary capital resources lending): US$ 27.00 million
Grant (Asian Development Fund): US$ 5.35 million
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The Accountability Mechanism is an independent complaint mechanism and fact-finding body for people who believe they are likely to be, or have been, adversely affected by an Asian Development Bank-financed project. If you submit a complaint to the Accountability Mechanism, they may investigate to assess whether the Asian Development Bank is following its own policies and procedures for preventing harm to people or the environment. You can learn more about the Accountability Mechanism and how to file a complaint at: