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IFC will engage Banco BHD León in strengthening the bank’s Transaction Banking (TB) business to better serve enterprise clients, including SMEs in need of greater financing and non-financial products. The project focuses on improving: (i) the TB operating model, (ii) improving the TB product and service offering, (iii) the bank’s sales & client services for enterprise clients; and (iv) the bank’s technology, systems and channel capabilities.
IFC will engage Banco BHD León in strengthening the bank’s Transaction Banking (TB) business to better serve enterprise clients, including SMEs in need of greater financing and non-financial products. The project focuses on improving: (i) the TB operating model, (ii) improving the TB product and service offering, (iii) the bank’s sales & client services for enterprise clients; and (iv) the bank’s technology, systems and channel capabilities.
No investment type at the time of the snapshot
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