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The knowledge and support technical assistance (TA) will strengthen the role of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Economic Cooperation Program (the GMS Program) as a regional platform for supporting the GMS countries in their response to, and recovery from, the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. The TA will support the implementation of both the GMS Economic Cooperation Program Strategic Framework 2030 (GMS-2030) and the GMS COVID-19 Response and Recovery Plan 2021-2023 (the GMS COVID-19 Plan). The TA builds on the work undertaken through the Technical Assistance for Sustaining the Gains of Regional Cooperation in the GMS and supports the critical role of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) as the secretariat of the GMS Program. The TA will focus on strengthening coordination and decision-making mechanisms; improving identification of projects, resource mobilization, and results monitoring; and enhancing strategic planning and policy dialogue based on knowledge solutions.
The proposed TA supports ADB's response to COVID-19 and is aligned with operational priorities of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Strategy 2030 of addressing remaining poverty and reducing inequalities (OP1), accelerating progress in gender equality (OP2), tackling climate change, building climate change and disaster resilience and enhancing environmental sustainability (OP3), making cities more livable (OP4), strengthening governance and institutional capacity (OP6), and fostering regional cooperation and integration (OP7). It is also linked to ADB's Operational Plan for Priority 7 Fostering Regional Cooperation and Integration, 2019-2024, which focuses on (i) greater and higher quality connectivity between economies, (ii) expanded global and regional trade and investment opportunities and, (iii) increased and diversified regional public goods. The TA is aligned with relevant ADB country programs and is included in the indicative country pipelines and monitoring of Cambodia, Thailand, and Viet Nam for 2022-2024.
Project Officer
Sumbal, Asadullah Khan
Southeast Asia Department
Project contacts not available at the time of disclosure.
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