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According to bank provided infprmation, the project involves the provision of a sovereign loan in the amount of up to USD 130 million (the "Loan") to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (the "Borrower").
The Loan will be for the benefit of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply which is in charge of international and national procurement, storage, sales and distribution of wheat and barley in Jordan. The loan will finance working capital needs related to the international purchase of grain, and support the expansion of the strategic grain storage capacity across Jordan.
Due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, consequent disruption caused to the international grain supply, and record high prices, the Bank aims to support the government of Jordan through the provision of a loan to ensure the availability of liquidity for international grain purchases and expansion of strategic grain storage capacity, contributing to the country's food security. In parallel to financing, the Bank will also seek to mobilise a technical cooperation ("TC") package.
Ali Zgheib
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