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A senior unsecured loan or on-lending to eligible SMEs. This project further expand its SME portfolio with a focus on financing DCFTA priority investments leading to compliance with EU Directives, facilitating Moldovan SMEs increased competitiveness.
SME Competitiveness Programme in Eastern Partnership, is a follow-on facility of the existing FI DCFTA Blended Finance Programme (DCFTA), designed for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine to support upgrades in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSME) to EU standards applicable under the DCFTA in environmental protection, health and safety and product quality/safety. The proposed project will enable Moldova-Agroindbank (MAIB) to extend loans for investment purposes by local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in upgrade of technology and equipment necessary to meet EU standards in terms of product quality, health and safety measures and environmental preservation.
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