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The TA will support the application of ICT tools to ger area redevelopment in (i) enhancing munipality-level urban and redevelopment planning with mapping and monitoring indicators (output 1); (ii) supporting inclusive community engagement and access to economic opportunities in ger areas, (outputs 2 and 3); and (iii) strengthening redevelopment monitoring and coordination capacity (output 4).
This TA is aligned with the Mongolian Government's Adjustments to the Ulaanbaatar City Urban Development Master Plan 2020 and Development Directions 2030 (approved in February 2013).
International and national specialists will be recruited to deliver a total of 44 person-months of consulting inputs (11 person-months of international and 33 person-months of national inputs) for the three outputs. A consulting firm will be engaged for a total of 38 person-months of consulting inputs (5 person-months of international and 33 person-months of national inputs), and an international individual consultant will be engaged for a total of 6 person-months. ADB will engage the consulting firm and individual consultant in accordance with the ADB Procurement Policy (2017, as amended from time to time) and the associated project administration instructions and/or TA staff instructions. The quality- and cost-based selection method will be used in recruiting the firm, with a 90:10 quality cost ratio, using simplified technical proposal procedures. The firm must demonstrate international expertise and local experience in Mongolia. The individual expert will be engaged using the individual consultant selection method.
Financed by Republic of Korea e-Asia and Knowledge Partnership Fund
Ulaanbaatar Municipal Government
Sukhbaatar Square-11
Ulaanbaatar-46, Mongolia
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