Original disclosure @ IDBI website
Updated in EWS Nov 23, 2018
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According to the bank, the Borrower shall use the proceeds of the Subordinated Loan to support its capital structure by increasing its Tier 2 Capital. On the other hand, IDB Invest and BanBif will work together with the support of the Advisory Services Division of IDB Invest to undertake activities aimed at identifying and capturing opportunities for "green" and climate resilient lending, and developing the institutional capacity.
Update of ESMS
Enhance ESMS to address E&S risks/opportunities present under a new green line product. Incorporate a climate change analysis within the ESMS. ESMS will reflect the performance requirements to achieve a 20% improvement in sectors financed (energy, water, resource efficiency, etc.), and confirm eligibility against established criteria.
1 year post disbursement
Through an IDB Invest/BanBif defined technical assistance package, strengthen institutional capacity related to green lines, in particular (i) training commercial teams on opportunity identification; (ii) defining methodologies for measuring green line performance; (iii) defining strategic alliances at the local level to help structure and originate opportunities.
To be defined under the TA
Green line portfolio development
With the support of IDB Invest and the assistance of a consultant (individual or firm) contracted for the purpose, BanBif will undertake activities aimed at identifying and capturing opportunities for "green" and climate resilient lending, and developing the institutional capacity required for originating, structuring and placing such products. BanBif will consider contributing in kind and/or financially to cover the cost of the consultant alongside IDB Invest.
Terms of reference and contribution in general, from BanBif, to be confirmed by first disbursement.
6. Contact Information.For project inquiries, including environmental and social questions related to an IDB Invest transaction please contact the client (seeInvestment Summarytab), or IDB Invest using the emaildivulgacionpublica@iadb.org. As a last resort, affected communities have access to the IDB Invest Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism by writing tomecanismo@iadb.orgorMICI@iadb.org, or calling +1(202) 623-3952.
Client Contact Name: Eduardo Rios Aleman
Title: Manager of Treasury Division and Capital Markets
Telephone: (+511) 6133224
Email address: eriosa@banbif.com.pe
Contact Information. For project inquiries, including environmental and social questions related to an IDB Invest transaction please contact the client (see Investment Summary tab), or IDB Invest using the email divulgacionpublica@iadb.org. As a last resort, affected communities have access to the IDB Invest Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism by writing to mecanismo@iadb.org or MICI@iadb.org, or calling +1(202) 623-3952.