Galp Energia SGPS SA

This private actor is involved in the following projects as recorded by the Early Warning System. Please note, this is not an exhaustive list of all development bank funded projects in which this private actor may be involved. For more details on the information published in the Early Warning System, see our Methodology.

Project Number Project Name Private Actor 1 Private Actor 1 Role Private Actor 1 Sector Relation Private Actor 2 Private Actor 2 Role Private Actor 2 Sector
EIB-20190833 ALCO SOLAR PV GREEN ENERGY LOAN - - - - Galp Energia SGPS SA Client -
EIB-20200452 TITAN SOLAR PV GREEN FRAMEWORK LOAN - - - - Galp Energia SGPS SA Client -
EIB-20210601 ALCAZAR PV I II III - - - - Galp Energia SGPS SA Client -
DFC-2022-ROVUMALNGPHAS Rovuma LNG Phase I - - - - Galp Energia SGPS SA Client -
EIB-20230503 AURORA LITHIUM CONVERSION FACILITY NorthVolt AB Client Energy contracts with Galp Energia SGPS SA Client Energy
EIB-20230533 SINES GREEN HYDROGEN PRODUCTION - - - - Galp Energia SGPS SA Client -
EIB-20240187 SINES ADVANCED BIOFUELS - - - - Galp Energia SGPS SA Client Energy
FMO-58327 BANCO COMERCIAL E DE INVESTIMENTOS Caixa Geral de Depósitos Investor Finance invests in Galp Energia SGPS SA Parent Company Mining
IFC-40330 Mercantile Bank Limited Caixa Geral de Depósitos Investor Finance invests in Galp Energia SGPS SA Parent Company Mining
IFC-603275 BCI Advisory Caixa Geral de Depósitos Investor Finance invests in Galp Energia SGPS SA Parent Company Mining

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