This private actor is involved in the following projects as recorded by the Early Warning System. Please note, this is not an exhaustive list of all development bank funded projects in which this private actor may be involved. For more details on the information published in the Early Warning System, see our Methodology.

Project Number Project Name Private Actor 1 Private Actor 1 Role Private Actor 1 Sector Relation Private Actor 2 Private Actor 2 Role Private Actor 2 Sector
IFC-42710 OTP Leasing II OTP Bank Group Parent Company Finance owns OTP LEASING LLC Financial Intermediary Finance
EBRD-53359 FIF - EaP SMEC - OTP Leasing SME Loan II - - - - OTP LEASING LLC Financial Intermediary -
EBRD-53664 Risk-sharing with Ukraine's OTP Leasing (RLF FSG) - - - - OTP LEASING LLC Financial Intermediary -
EBRD-54063 RLF - FSG - OTP Leasing 2 - - - - OTP LEASING LLC Financial Intermediary -
EBRD-54359 RLF - RLG - OTP Leasing 2023 - - - - OTP LEASING LLC Financial Intermediary Finance
IFC-48515 SLGP EC RSF Ukraine OTP Bank and Leasing - - - - OTP LEASING LLC Financial Intermediary -
EBRD-55412 RLF - RLG - OTP Leasing 2024 - - - - OTP LEASING LLC Financial Intermediary -

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