Scatec ASA

This private actor is involved in the following projects as recorded by the Early Warning System. Please note, this is not an exhaustive list of all development bank funded projects in which this private actor may be involved. For more details on the information published in the Early Warning System, see our Methodology.

Project Number Project Name Private Actor 1 Private Actor 1 Role Private Actor 1 Sector Relation Private Actor 2 Private Actor 2 Role Private Actor 2 Sector
IFC-46628 Scatec GreenBond - - - - Scatec ASA Client Energy
MIGA-14952 Scatec Bond - - - - Scatec ASA Client Energy
IFC-49569 Botswana Solar Phase 2 Botswana Power Corporation Buyer Energy contracts with Scatec ASA Client Energy
MIGA-15039 Tozeur and Sidi Bouzid Solar Plants Toyota Tsusho Corp Parent Company Industry and Trade contracts with Scatec ASA Client Energy
MIGA-15039 Tozeur and Sidi Bouzid Solar Plants Eurus Energy Holdings Corp Client Energy contracts with Scatec ASA Client Energy
MIGA-15041 Tozeur and Sidi Bouzid Solar Plants Toyota Tsusho Corp Parent Company Industry and Trade contracts with Scatec ASA Client Energy
EBRD-55252 Sidi Bouzid - Equity Bridge Loan Aeolus SAS Investor Energy contracts with Scatec ASA Client Energy
EBRD-55251 Tozeur Equity Bridge Loan Aeolus SAS Investor Energy contracts with Scatec ASA Client Energy
DFC-2024-VOLOBETA Volobe TA Africa50 Client Infrastructure contracts with Scatec ASA Client Energy
DFC-2021-SCATECIRAQSOL Scatec Iraq Solar PV - - - - Scatec ASA Client -
DFC-2024-VOLOBETA Volobe TA Axian Group Client Energy contracts with Scatec ASA Client Energy
FMO-59537 MERIDIAN ENERGY (PVT.) LTD. - - - - Scatec ASA Client -
FMO-60667 VIRTUO FINANCE S.A.R.L. - - - - Scatec ASA Client -
IFC-45425 RMI4P Scatec 3 - - - - Scatec ASA Client Energy
IFC-45424 RMI4P Scatec 2 - - - - Scatec ASA Client Energy
FMO-59536 HELIOS POWER (PVT.) LTD. - - - - Scatec ASA Client -
FMO-59535 HNDS ENERGY (PVT.) LTD. - - - - Scatec ASA Client -
FMO-59474DUPLICATE HELIOS POWER (PVT.) LTD. - - - - Scatec ASA Client -
EBRD-53558 Egypt Green Hydrogen S.A.E. - - - - Scatec ASA Investor Energy
EBRD-55885 Obelisk Solar PV and BESS - - - - Scatec ASA Parent Company Energy
DFC-2023-FERTIGLOBEGREE Fertiglobe Green Hydrogen TA-Renewables Orascom Construction Industries Parent Company Construction contracts with Scatec ASA Parent Company Energy
DFC-2023-FERTIGLOBEGREE Fertiglobe Green Hydrogen TA-Renewables Fertiglobe PLC Parent Company Industry and Trade contracts with Scatec ASA Parent Company Energy
IFC-44613 Botswana Solar - - - - Scatec ASA Parent Company Energy
EBRD-51776 Scatec Sidi Bouzid Mezzouna PV Power - - - - Scatec ASA Parent Company Energy
EBRD-51763 Scatec Tozeur PV Power - - - - Scatec ASA Parent Company Energy
MIGA-15265 Globeleq Mozambique Solar Projects - Central Solar de Mocuba - - - - Scatec ASA Undisclosed Energy
IDBI-13473-01 Mendubim Solar PV Power Project Scatec ASA Client Energy contracts with Equinor ASA Client Energy
MIGA-15041 Tozeur and Sidi Bouzid Solar Plants Scatec ASA Client Energy contracts with Eurus Energy Holdings Corp Client Energy
IDBI-13473-01 Mendubim Solar PV Power Project Scatec ASA Client Energy contracts with Hydro Rein Client Energy
MIGA-15039 Tozeur and Sidi Bouzid Solar Plants Scatec ASA Client Energy contracts with Societe Tunisienne de l'Electricite et du Gaz Buyer Energy
MIGA-15041 Tozeur and Sidi Bouzid Solar Plants Scatec ASA Client Energy contracts with Societe Tunisienne de l'Electricite et du Gaz Buyer Energy

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