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From the IDB: "The objective of this Technical Cooperation (TC ) is to support key actors ( service providers, regulatory and supervisory agencies ) in the design and implementation of policies, mechanisms and practices for transparency in the water and sanitation sector, through activities that include: 1) preparation of diagnostics to identify weaknesses and specific action plans to improve transparency practices in companies and regulators in the region ; 2) strengthening of transparency systems and mechanisms ; and 3) knowledge generation and dissemination of activities."
The Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism (MICI) is the independent complaint mechanism and fact-finding body for people who have been or are likely to be adversely affected by an Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) or Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC)-funded project. If you submit a complaint to MICI, they may assist you in addressing the problems you raised through a dispute-resolution process with those implementing the project and/or through an investigation to assess whether the IDB or IIC is following its own policies for preventing or mitigating harm to people or the environment. You can submit a complaint by sending an email to You can learn more about the MICI and how to file a complaint at,1752.html (in English) or,1752.html (Spanish).