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According to the Bank’s website, the development objective of the project is to : (a) expand access to social safety nets for poor and vulnerable households in targeted areas; and (b) strengthen the shock-responsiveness of delivery systems.
The project will be implemented in two regions characterized by high levels of poverty and vulnerability to climate change. According to the latest available poverty map, the Kagas and Haut-Oubangui regions have a poverty incidence rate of 78.60 and 84.65 % respectively. About 45,000 households are expected to receive regular safety net transfers and training to strengthen human capital and help them respond to climate shocks.
The environmental risk is rated moderate, mainly due to potential environmental risks and impacts linked to sub component 1.3 (accompanying measures) are not yet fully known. Possible risks from an environmental perspective would be if the household productivity courses would, for example, include the use pesticides. The project will, however, not do the agricultural information sessions itself, but refer participants to the World Bank financed PRUCAC project on agriculture.
The Social Risk Rating is substatial. There is always a risk of elite capture and exclusion of vulnerable groups from registering when lists of beneficiaries are developed, whether it is for receiving safety net transfers or accessing training and awareness information sessions. Exclusion might also lead to social tensions in the communities if the selection criteria are not fully understood, the selection process not being transparent, or the criteria not adhered to in a correct manner. Discrimination based on ethnicity and religion or the exclusion of, for example, internally displaced people (IDPs) and people with disabilities are common. The Geographical targeting: the selection of communes within the five prefectures will be made through lottery, which might increase tensions between communities that will receive the benefit and those that won’t.
A US$30 million grant from the International Development Association (IDA).
World Bank
Gbetoho Joachim Boko
Senior Social Protection Specialist
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