Original disclosure @ WB website
Updated in EWS Feb 24, 2022
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According to bank documents, to support the Government of Mozambique to acquire, manage, and deploy Project COVID-19 vaccines, and to strengthen its pandemic preparedness, response, and health systems’ capacity.
The parent project has four components:
Component 1 on Vaccines, Medical Supplies, and Cold Chain Equipment supports vaccine acquisition and ancillary supplies and equipment for deployment systems.
Component 2 on Vaccine Administration, Follow-up, and Community Engagement supports the implementation of prevention, detection and response activities in the National COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan, the NDVP, and the continuity of essential health services.
Component 3 on Continuity of Essential Services, supported through a Global Financing Facility Grant of US$15 million, with complementary systems strengthening investments across Components 1 and 2, supports targeted interventions to address the disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic in routine essential maternal, child and adolescent health services, while strengthening resilient health systems at the primary and community levels.
Component 4: Project implementation support strengthens the existing Program Implementation Unit (PIU) of the World Bank-financed portfolio in MISAU, including, inter alia, recruiting additional staff and covering operating costs, procuring necessary training and equipment, providing support for procurement, financial.
The proposed AF in the amount of US$100 million will enhance the scope of the original project to enable a scale-up of project activities. The primary objective of the AF is to reimburse the GoM for the acquisition of approximately eight million doses of the Sinopharm vaccine. These doses were made available to the Government in September through a narrow window of opportunity through COVAX, requiring an immediate advance of US$44 million to Gavi, for which the Government has requested retroactive financing through this AF. The additional resources that will be made available through this AF will finance the distribution, administration and ancillary costs related to the Sinopharm vaccine as well as additional medical supplies, equipment, renovations, health systems strengthening, and communications.
World Bank:
Miguel Angel San Joaquin Polo
Senior Economist, Health
Courtney Price Ivins
Health Specialist
Ministry of Economy and Finance
Implementing Agency:
Ministry of Health
Saozinha Agostinho
National Director of Planning and Cooperation
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