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According to bank documents, the proposed Program Objective is to improve education outcomes of primary and secondary students and introduce new student pathways leading to tertiary education.
Component 1. Building Strong Foundational Skills for Learning and Wellbeing. Under Component 1, SERATAC will finance WB&G’s efforts to raise foundational skills and wellbeing of Palestinian primary school students, providing each child with a strong foundation for their future learning. In Phase 1, this will be achieved through (i) the development of an Arabic literacy strategy to set quantifiable goals for children’s Arabic language learning outcomes along with the roles of key actors, and providing a basis and direction for activities and initiatives to improve literacy teaching and learning; (ii) improvements to early grade Arabic language arts instruction (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) in Grades 1–4, including through teacher training and teaching and learning materials; (iii) strengthening of preservice teacher education in classroom practices to improve foundational skills; and (iv) promotion of positive school and classroom climates, including extracurricular activities, so they are conducive to student learning and wellbeing.
Component 2. Harnessing Technology to Improve STEM Learning and Better Equip Students for the Labor Market. Through this program component, SERATAC will improve STEM teaching and learning and better equip students to make informed career choices, so they have greater prospects for employment. To achieve this objective, under Phase 1, the program component will aim to (i) strengthen and operationalize MOE’s STEM Framework, (ii) improve upper primary (Grades 5 and 6) students’ mathematics, science, and digital skills through improved pre-service and in-service teacher training as well as an adaptive learning program, and (iii) lay the foundations for an effective career guidance system that helps secondary school students make informed career choices and be better equipped to pursue those choices.
Component 3. Strengthening the Student Learning Assessment System. Through the third program component, SERATAC will strengthen the Palestinian student assessment system so that it promotes and incentivizes learning at all grade levels. To achieve this objective, under Phase 1, the component will: (i) strengthen the national assessment framework and Arabic language national assessment in Grade 5; (ii) lay the foundations to reform the secondary school leaving examination (Tawjihi) and create a more inclusive pathway to tertiary education and the labor market for secondary school students; and (iii) finance participation of WB&G in two international large-scale assessments (ILSAs) to obtain high-quality learning data. In Phases 2 and 3, the lessons learned during Phase 1 will be applied to support the gradual rollout of Tawjihi reform measures, including the creation of inclusive and more flexible pathways for secondary students to enter into technical vocational colleges and higher education.
Component 4. Project management and implementation support. This component will support MOE’s Project Coordination Unit (PCU) in managing and overseeing project activities.
World Bank:
Samira Nikaein Towfighian
Senior Economist
Samira Ahmed Hillis
Program Leader
Palestinian Liberation Organization
Implementing Agency:
Ministry of Education
Basri Saleh
Deputy Minister
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