Original disclosure @ WB website
Updated in EWS Oct 29, 2021
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According to bank documents, the project objective is to support emergency environment control measures in Beirut City from impacts of the August 2020 explosion and support planning for longer term environmental restoration efforts.
The project has four components:
Component 1. Securing the Port and management of debris, asbestos-contaminated materials and hazardous waste generated due to PoB explosion (US$8 million)
Sub-component 1.1. Securing the Port and implementing critical waste management interventions inside the Port. (US$4.5 million)
Sub-component 1.2. Safe management and disposal of mixed debris outside the Port of Beirut. (US$2 million)
Sub-component 1.3. Priority waste management interventions of hazardous waste resulting from the explosion outside the Port. (US$1.5 million)
Component 2. Priority actions contributing to policy and institutional work for greening Beirut’s Reconstruction Agenda (US$1.5 million)
Sub-component 2.1. Supporting a collaborative platform for stakeholders’ engagement and implementing priority actions for greening Beirut’s reconstruction agenda. (US$0.5 million)
Sub-component 2.2. Environmental monitoring and enforcement activities for critical hazardous materials (US$1 million)
Component 3. Management and technical assistance (US$0.5 million)
Component 4. Contingency Emergency Response Component (CERC)
World Bank:
Harinath Sesha Appalarajugari, Frank Van Woerden
Senior Environmental Engineer
United Nations Development Program
Implementing Agency:
United Nations Development Program
Celine Moyroud
Country Director
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