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According to bank documents, the project objective is to support the immediate social recovery needs of vulnerable groups following the port of Beirut explosion.
Component 1. Support for Social Services for Vulnerable Groups Affected by the Explosion (US$7,305,000). This component will finance NGOs to provide social services to vulnerable groups affected by the crises including: (i) survivors of GBV; (ii) those suffering from deteriorated psycho-social wellbeing; (iii) and persons with disabilities and OPs facing limitations related to their disabled or elderly status. Given the cross-cutting nature of their vulnerability, refugees and migrant domestic workers will be targeted across these beneficiary groups. The component includes the following three sub-components: (i) Enhanced Support for Survivors of GBV in Beirut; (ii) Enhanced Support for psycho-social wellbeing in Beirut; and (iii) Enhanced Support for persons with disabilities and OPs. To undertake these activities, grants and service agreements will be entered into with local NGOs. In addition, the project will enhance capacity of NGOs providing services to beneficiaries across the three intervention areas.
Sub-Component 1.1 Enhanced Support for Survivors of GBV in Beirut (US$3,960,000)
Sub-Component 1.2 Enhanced Support for Psycho-Social Wellbeing in Beirut (US$ 1,770,000)
Sub-Component 1.3 Enhanced Support for to Persons with Disabilities and OPs (US$1,575,000)
Component 2. Capacity Building and Project Management (US$490,000). This component will finance project management costs over the project life, including the Implementing
Agency’s (IA) incremental operating costs incurred while managing and supervising project activities. Project management activities performed by the IA will include: (i) overall project management, fiduciary, and safeguards management; (ii) providing technical assistance (TA) and institutional strengthening measures; (iii) developing and implementing a monitoring and reporting plan to provide visibility of the results and a transparent model for the development and implementation of all activities.
World Bank:
Marcelo Jorge Fabre
Senior Social Development Specialist
International Rescue Committee
Nicholas Jaeger
Program Officer, Middle East and North Africa
Implementing Agency:
International Rescue Committee Lebanon
Matias Meirer
Country Director
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