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According to bank documents, the project objective is to support the Government of Sudan to collect quality data on key socio-economic indicators and produce provisional national-level poverty estimates to inform policy planning and monitoring.
The project is structured around the following components:
Component 1. Preparation and design phase. This component includes confirming a few remaining methodological decisions on the survey design and finalizing the survey instruments. This includes the update of the sampling frame, the sampling design, the field-work design, the questionnaire design, and the interviewing method, together with the initial pretesting of the instruments. A number of consultants will be hired to support the various activities. This phase is expected to last until July 2021.
Component 2. Survey Implementation phase. Training and pilot. The training is organized in stages, with a central training of principal trainers in Khartoum, followed by 18 state-level trainings. State-level trainings will be followed by a 5-day field pilot to test survey instruments, field logistics, and quality monitoring protocols. The pilot will also serve to identify and correct poor performance of interviewers and to reinforce the material covered in the training. The training is targeted to take place in July 2021.
World Bank:
Contact : Maria Gabriela Farfan Bertran
Title : Economist
Telephone No : 473-4304
Contact : Alvin Etang Ndip
Title : Senior Economist
Telephone No : 5346+3038
Borrower : Republic of Sudan
Implementing Agency:
Central Bureau of Statistics
Contact : Ali Mohamed Abbas Ahmed
Title : Director General
Telephone No : 249-183-777-255
Email :
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