Original disclosure @ WB website
Updated in EWS Oct 11, 2021
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According to bank documents, the project objectives are to improve: (i) the quality of Irrigation and Advisory services; and (ii) the efficiency of water allocation systems in Project Areas. The Project areas refers to the irrigation schemes under the management of the 4 ORMVAs (Tadla, Haouz, Gharb and Doukkala) as well as areas of private irrigation using aquifers.
The three components of the project are: (i) Component 1: Modernization of Irrigation and Drainage services provided by the main hydraulic assets within collective schemes (estimated budget at this stage: US$110 million); (ii) Component 2: Support to farmers to access modern on-farm technologies and advisory services to optimize water use (US$20 million); and (iii) Component 3: Support to stakeholders (Line Ministries, Irrigation Managers/ORMVA, Water Basin Agencies/ABH, WUAs, etc.) for enhancement of sustainable Water Resource management and project management (US$ 20 million).
Component 1: Modernization of Irrigation and Drainages services provided by the main hydraulic assets within collective schemes. This Component 1 will construct pressurized irrigation networks to replace existing open canal networks (Tadla, Haouz, TBC), and renovate existing pressurized irrigation networks (Doukkala, Gharb, TBC). This component only finances off-farm investments, including hydrants27. Under adequate management, the networks’ design will provide farmers with an improved water service, in line with the technical requirements of improved irrigation technologies, aiming at increasing drastically the water productivity as achieved in previous projects.
Component 2: Support to farmers to access modern on-farm technologies and advisory services to optimize water use. Component 2 will strengthen farmers’ knowledge and awareness in accessing improved irrigation technologies (mainly drip irrigation), which could be adopted as a result of the improved water service provided by the ORMVAs. It will facilitate access to financing opportunities by supporting Water User Associations (WUAs) in jointly applying to Fonds de Développement Agricole subsidy on behalf of farmers. Once the improved irrigation technologies are in place, farmers will develop their capacity to sustainably manage and maintain the irrigation systems and will get access to modern irrigation advisory services that use remote sensing and digital technologies to support on-farm irrigation and field management practices, in particular the system of Alert for Irrigation30 developed under the PMGI.
World Bank:
Remi Charles Andre Trier
Senior Water Resources Management Specialist
Kingdom of Morocco
Implementing Agency:
MInistry of Agriculture - Directorate of Irrigation
Zakaria El Yacoubi
Head of Division
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