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According to bank documents, the project objective is to develop institutional capacity for improving employability of university students in national development priority areas.
Component 1: Developing institutional capacity in disciplinary areas that support the national development priority sectors (proposed allocation US$3.0m). Among the reasons for skill-mismatches in the labor market which have led to high unemployment rate of tertiary education graduates in Iraq is that programs and training offered at TEIs are less relevant and of poor quality. While the labor market is saturated with graduates from traditional, long-established programs (e.g., humanities specialization), graduates with skills from disciplinary areas that can serve the needs of national development priority sectors are difficult to find. Learning from international experiences (e.g., Africa Centers of Excellence) and after having consulted the Ministry of Planning and other relevant ministries, MoHESR plans to address the issue by piloting the center of excellence (CoE) concept in three national development priority areas – agriculture, health and renewable energy. The proposed project therefore will support MoHESR’s effort in establishing a CoE in each of these three priority areas. Although the Project will not be able to finance fully the establishment of these CoEs due to its very limited funding, it will focus more on some critical aspects of CoE (see below) with the introduction and application of international good practices, supporting MoHESR and these centers to build a solid foundation which will enable them to mobilize additional resources for further development.
Component 2: Strengthening institutional capacity and partnerships with the private sector and international institutions to improve graduates’ employability (proposed allocation US$1.5m). Besides the less-diversified economy and limited job opportunities, many tertiary education graduates have difficulty finding a job due to that fact their skills do not match what employers are looking for. Addressing this issue requires efforts being made at both the institutional and the individual levels, but none of them can yield a satisfactory outcome without engaging the private sector and learning from good practices elsewhere. The proposed project plans to support MoHESR in developing an incentive mechanism through competitive fund to foster partnerships between TEIs and the private sector and international institutions, equipping students with 21st century skills and market-relevant skills such as digital skills for future jobs. It is also expected that institutional capacity will be further strengthened through piloting competitive fund (see below) and that the sense of social responsibility among business communities can be improved through their established partnerships with TEIs.
World Bank:
Contact : Xiaonan Cao Title : Senior Education Specialist
Telephone No : 473-8917
Borrower : Ministry of Finance
Contact : Salah Hadeethi Title : Minister Advisor
Telephone No : 9647901915000 Email :
Implementing Agencies:
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Contact : Ehab Abbas Title : Director General of Studies, Planning, and Follow-up
Telephone No : 9647901915250 Email :
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