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According to bank documents, the original proposed development objective is to (i) improve the living conditions for slum dwellers in selected urban areas and (ii) strengthen the capacity of public institutions in charge of implementing the Zero Slum Program.
The project objective will change to: (I) improving the living conditions of host communities and refugees in selected areas; and (ii) enhancing the social and economic integration of host communities and refugees.
The project has four components:
Component 1. Support to public policies and institutional strengthening (US$ 5.1 million). This component will continue to reinforce the capacity of the different stakeholders involved in the project and it will also focus on supporting national institutions in the formulation of public policies for the integration of refugee and host communities. It is expanded to provide support to national institutions for the operationalization of the 2017 National Refugee Law.
Component 2. Participatory upgrading investments to improve the living and housing conditions of the host community and refugees (US$ 23.1 millions). The objective of the second component is to expand access to services in additional areas, including other urban neighborhoods and two refugee villages to improve the living conditions of both host communities and refugees. It will continue to strengthen community development activities and will introduce support to economic activities for host community and refugees.
Component 3 – Project management (US$ 1.8 millions). In addition to the support to the implementing agency as part of the parent project, the AF will support the measures taken by the PIU to manage the expanded scope of activities. Following a self-assessment based on the experience of the first six months of implementation of the ISUP, the implementing agency established an action plan to expand the implementing team. It includes the recruitment of several experienced professionals aimed at increasing the agency delivering capacity, including the recruitment of: ; a supervision engineer to closely monitor the different works for ARULOS; y; an associate safeguards specialist; a dedicated procurement assistant; a disaster risk management expert to ensure resilience measures are integrated throughout the different pillars of the ZSP interventions ; and a communication specialist to strengthen the communication activities. An expert in community engagement will be hired to benefit the MASS in order to support activities related to community engagement. A monitoring and evaluation expert will also be recruited to assist the Ministry of Housing in the coordination and delivery of its activities.
Component 5 – CERC. This component of the parent project will not change and aims to provide immediate response to an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, as needed by allowing for rapid reallocation of project proceeds in the event of any future natural or man-made disaster or crisis that has caused, or is likely to imminently cause, a major adverse economic and/or social impact. This component is
beneficial directly to both refugees and host communities that might be impacted by any future disaster.World Bank:
Salim Rouhana
Senior Urban Specialist
Anastasia Nejma Touati
Urban Development Specialist
Benjamin Herzberg
Senior Private Sector Specialist
Republic of Djibouti
Ali Mohamed Ali
Director of External Financing
Implementing Agency:
Abdourahman Ali Ahmed
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