Original disclosure @ WB website
Updated in EWS Jul 31, 2024
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As stated by the World Bank, the project development objective (PDO) is to promote integrated environmentally sustainable and climate-smart agriculture, and agri-food quality and safety, in targeted value chains and landscapes in Hubei Province. The project design is organized around three distinct elements: (i) the systems for defining, detecting, and monitoring agro-environmental hazards and food quality and safety risks; (ii) demonstration and scaling up of applications of improved farming practices and other investments which impact product quality, environmental sustainability, and climate-smartness in selected value chains; and (iii) effective project monitoring, oversight, and knowledge management. Accordingly, the project will have three components to support activities and investments contributing to the above PDO.
Component 1 will primarily support provincial-level institutional, capacity, standards, and incentives development for promoting and monitoring 3S practices in the Hubei agri-food system.
Component 2 will support the demonstration of key 3S practices at the level of select farms and processors in the targeted value chains and landscapes of five Hubei counties, and the scaling-up of those practices more broadly through demonstration activities. It will also strengthen farmer cooperatives to allow members to fully benefit from project-supported investments.
Component 3 will ensure that there is adequate capacity at the level of the provincial and county PMOs to implement the project, and will also promote sharing of the knowledge generated by the project beyond the project counties, beyond Hubei, and even beyond China.
*There is no further information being disclosed at this stage of the project*
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