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According to bank documents, the original project objective is to “support the Government of Malawi to meet the immediate food security and livelihoods restoration needs of the communities affected by drought and promote recovery and resilience in key affected sectors”. In the event of a future eligible crisis or emergency, the Project may also be able to provide immediate recovery support to GoM through a proposed Contingent Emergency Response Component.
The current project objective is to “support the recovery of livelihoods and infrastructure in affected areas and strengthen capacity for flood and drought risk management”.
Additional financing is requested for the following components and subcomponents;
World Bank:
Francis Samson Nkoka
Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist
Nicholas James Callender
Disaster Risk Management Specialist
Government of Malawi, Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development
Cliff Chiunda
Secretary to the Treasury
Implementing Agencies:
Ministry of Agriculture,Irrigation and Water Development
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