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According to bank documents, the project development objective is to promote smallholder commercialization by fostering productive business linkages between smallholder farmers and selected agribusiness firms and other commodity off-takers in Sierra Leone.
The Project has four components:(1) Support to agribusiness-farmer linkages and SMEs along selected agricultural value chains (US$ 19 million); (2) Market Access Improvement (US$26 million); (3) Capacity Building for Government and Other Institutions relevant for agribusiness development (US$ 6 million); and (4) Project Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation (US$ 4 million).
World Bank:
Kadir Osman Gyasi
Senior Agriculture Economist
Ministry of Finance and Economic Development
Sahr L. Jusu
Financial Secretary
Implementing Agency:
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security
Joseph Jonathan Ndanema
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