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According to bank documents, the project objective is to strengthen institutions for accountable local service delivery in Zambia.
The project activities are grouped under four components based on the three KRAs of the Government Program that the project intends to support:
Capacity-Building Support to Strengthen Local Governance and Service Delivery: This component will finance a targeted capacity-building program to enhance performance of local governments in the key reform areas. The project will provide capacity-building support to strengthen both the supply and demand sides of local governance. On the “supply” side, capacity support will include the following: Strengthening local government systems and capacities (in core areas such as planning, budgeting, financial management); Strengthening oversight and management systems for local government performance by higher levels, including the Ministry of Local Government and the Local Government Service Commission; Strengthening training capacity and systems at the Chalimbana Local Government Training Institute; Improving ICT systems to help local governments in revenue collection and select service delivery areas under their mandate. On the “demand” side, measures will cover: Citizen engagement to build awareness and strengthen the relations with local governments (including use of ICT) through increased transparency of local finances and around the performance of select services; Strengthening local governments through financing demand-driven capacity needs.
Project Management: This component will provide support to the PFM Reform Unit in the Ministry of Finance for overall project management. In addition, support will be provided to other key entities involved in project management such as the Ministry of Finance, Decentralization Secretariat and to the Ministry of Local Government for areas under their mandate. It will also include support for regular project evaluations, including procurement and safeguards reviews, project financial reporting and auditing. The component will also support the design and implementation of the APA and communications strategies where necessary.
World Bank:
Rama Krishnan Venkateswaran, Miki Matsuura, Shomikho Raha
Lead Financial Management Specialist
Ministry of Finance
Mukuli Chikuba
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance
Implementing Agency:
PFM Reforms Unit
Mumba Chanda
Program Coordinator
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