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According to the website of the World Bank, the proposed development objective of the project is to "to support the Government of India and participating states to:
(i) strengthen the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) policy framework, systems and capacities, and facilitate community engagement, to ensure greater focus on children under three years of age; and
(ii) strengthen convergent actions for improved nutrition outcomes."
The project comprises of the following five components:
Component 1: ICDS Institutional and Systems Strengthening
This component will focus on strengthening systems to improve the quality and coverage of services delivered by the ICDS scheme, specifically nutrition counselling and outreach services for pregnant and lactating women and children under 3 years of age
Component 2: Community Mobilization and Behavior Change Communication
This component will focus on strengthening processes for community engagement within the ICDS program, complemented by an intensive mass and mid-media campaign on maternal, infant and young child nutrition.
Component 3: Performance Based Incentives
The component will focus on instituting a system of performance based incentives to child services field functionaries and project states.
Component 4: Convergent Nutrition Actions
This component will focus on pilots and innovations to promote crosssectoral convergence for improved nutrition outcomes.
Component 5: Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation
This component will focus on strengthening the capacity of the implementing agencies, namely the Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) and State ICDS Directorates to implement the project.
World Bank
Mohini Kak
Health Specialist
Jorge A. Coarasa
Sr Economist (Health)
Email and telephone contacts were not disclosed.
Republic of India
Lekhan Thakkar
Implementing Agencies
Ministry of Women and Child Development
Dr. Rajesh Kumar
Joint Secretary
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