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According to the World Bank, the objective of the project is to extend the coverage and improve the quality of care for the most prevalent health conditions with an emphasis on vulnerable groups.
The two components of this project are as follows:
According to the World Bank, Component 1 will be implemented in the poorest 66 municipalities (1.3 million people), and Component 2 will be implemented nationwide, covering all 19 Local Systems of Comprehensive Care (SILAIS per its acronym in Spanish), including the Alto Wangki Bocay.
The project will improve the quality of health care services nationwide with emphasis on the following population throughout their lifecycles: (a) women at reproductive age; (b) children under five years of age; (c) adults over 50 years of age with identified risk factors; (d) adolescents (both girls and boys); and (e) indigenous population.
The funding for this project will come from the International Development Agency lending arm of the World Bank in the form of investment project financing.
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