Original disclosure @ WB website
Disclosed by Bank Mar 16, 2018
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This project provides financing to build on the World Bank's existing projects in Uzbekistan's water supply and sanitation sector, improve the water supply and sanitation services in selected provinces, and strengthen institutional capacity for improved service delivery.
Components include improving sector policy and institutional architecture, improving energy efficiency, strengthening institutional capacity, and constructing water supply production, transmission, and distribution facilities, in addition to sewerage collection, treatment, and disposal facilities. According to Bank documents, the first three sub-projects identified are:
World Bank
David Malcolm Lord
Senior Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist
Ministry of Finance
Yorkin Tursunov
Deputy Minister
Department for Operation of Interregional Trunk Main Tuyamuyun – Nukus
Mirzamurad Ukeniyazov
Ministry of Housing and Communal Services
Dilshod Azimov
First Deputy Minister
Samarkand State Unitary Enterprise Suvokova
Kadyr Tadjiev
Syrdarya State Unitary Enterprise Suvokova
Yunus Jalalov
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