Original disclosure @ WB website
Updated in EWS Jul 22, 2019
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According to the bank document, the project development objective is to improve the quality and reliability of electricity services to final consumers by Vietnam’s Power Corporations
Financing Source Amount
Borrower US$ 210.00 million
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development US$ 350.00 million
Total Project Cost US$ 560.00 million
1/World Bank
Hung Tien Van
Senior Energy Specialist
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Name: Hai An Ha
Title: Deputy Director General, ICD, State Bank of Vietnam
Email: an.hahai@sbv.gov.vn
3/Implementing Agencies
Electricity of Vietnam
Name: Hoang An Dang
title: President & CEO
Email: giangnlt@evn.com.vn
The World Bank
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Telephone: (202) 473-1000
Web: http://www.worldbank.org/projects
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