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According to WB website, the project aims to improve equitable access to quality basic education, with a focus on selected disadvantaged areas. The project comprises of three components:
Component 1. Improving access, quality, and education system management supports three government priority areas: (a) enhancing equitable access to quality pre-primary and primary education; (b) strengthening education system management; and (c) the recently identified additional priority of supporting the education needs of public schools in host communities with refugees.
Component 2. Improving school effectiveness through performance-based financing (PBF) which aim to improve the quality of schooling, student retention, and school governance, with an emphasis on girls’ education.
Component 3. Institutional strengthening and project management aims to strengthen the capacity of education sector line ministries and relevant agencies toward the achievement of education sector strategy (ESS) objectives.
Team Leader: Irajen Appasamy
Senior Operations Officer, World Bank
No contact information provided at the time of disclosure.
Team Leader: Vincent Perrot
Senior Education Specialist, World Bank
No contact information provided at the time of disclosure.
Borrower: Ministry of Economy and Planning
Guy Ronel Guemaleu, Sous-Directeur de la Coopération et de l'Intégration Régiona
Email Address:
Implementing Agency: Ministry of Basic Education
Ambroise Owotsogo, Chef de Division de la planification des Projets et de la Co
Email Address:
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