Original disclosure @ AFDB website
Updated in EWS Jun 15, 2020
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The Programme for Integrated Development and Climate Change Adaptation in the Niger Basin (PIDACC/BN) is justified by the need to promote sustainable social development, protect the large water infrastructure in the Basin and the main ecosystems of the Niger River, and consolidate the good results of the Niger Basin Silting Control Programme (NBSCP). PIDACC is the first Climate Investment Plan (CIP) and Operational Plan 2016-2024 implementation investment programme. The programme aims to combat climate change by securing agro-pastoral production systems, increasing forest carbon stocks, managing natural resources and ecosystems in a sustainable manner, and fighting poverty. It also helps to fulfil the commitments made by NBA countries in international agreements and in their nationally determined contributions (NDCs), as they are all signatories to the Paris Agreement. The programme consists of nine country projects and one regional project to be managed by the NBA, which will focus on: (i) developing natural resource and climate change adaptation tools; (ii) training the countries' managers; and (iii) coordinating and monitoring to ensure synergetic implementation of country projects to achieve regional objectives. PIDACC and its constituent projects have three components: (i) build the resilience of ecosystems and natural resources; (ii) build the population's resilience; and (iii) ensure programme coordination and management.
The programme's overall objective is to help strengthen the resilience of the Niger River's ecosystems and population through sustainable natural resource management. Specifically, it aims to: (i) preserve the Basin's ecosystems, particularly by reducing the Niger River silting process; and (ii) strengthen the resilience of production systems and the population. The programme will focus on improving the socio-economic status of women and young people, and their access to resources, which is a critical factor for eliminating poverty and infant malnutrition.
The programme will directly benefit about 4 million smallholder farmers in the nine countries of the Niger Basin, 51% of whom will be women. The project will build the capacity of smallholder farmers, women and young people through training and the provision of farming, processing and farm produce conversion equipment. PIDACC will also improve access to decision-making positions for women, who will constitute at least 30% of members of the various committees that will be set up. Technical services at the regional, national and local level (NBA, SFN, intervention areas) will be provided with tools and practical guides and manuals on the different approaches developed, which will ensure monitoring of programme results and replicability of best practice.
GARBA Louali
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