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The Niger River, whose basin is shared by nine (9) West and Central African States (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Nigeria and Chad), is of paramount importance for residents of the area and the economies of member countries of the Niger Basin Authority (NBA).
Over several decades, the Niger river has experienced growing aridity, dwindling water flows contributing to degradation of natural resources undermining people's living conditions and the biodiversity of the Basin.
The programme comprises 9 national projects implemented by the countries and a regional project carried out by the Niger Basin Authority to ensure synergy.
It is structured around three components:
(i) Building the resilience of ecosystems and natural resources;
(ii) Building the people's resilience; and
(iii) Ensuring programme coordination and management.
The main expected outcomes are:
(a) the recovery of 140 000 ha of degraded land;
(b) the construction of 209 water infrastructure systems for agro-pastoral and fish farming activities;
(c) the implementation of 450 sub-projects for agricultural chain development purposes and 184 youth SMEs;
(d) climate change (CC) adaptation capacity building for 1 000 000 households; and
(e) a sustainable financing mechanism for sustainable natural resource management activities.
The programme will cost USD 205.188 million and will be implemented over a six-year period (2019- 2024).
In the 9 countries, the programme will directly benefit 4 million people, 51% of whom are women.
The direct beneficiaries also include smallholder farmers and vulnerable groups (women and young people) promoting the sub-projects.
Total cost: 15000000
Currency: UAC
Source(s) of financing
ADF: 7500000
Cofinanced: 1014623
The programme will cost USD 205.188 million and will be implemented over a six-year period (2019- 2024).
Sources of Financing: ADF: UA 55 million (36.2%)) GCF: USD 67.8 million (31.0%) GEF: USD 12.01 million (5.5%) EU = EUR 14.6 million (8.1%) FIP = USD 9 million (4.1%) Countries = UA 16.7 million (11%) Beneficiaries = USD 6.3 million (4.2%)
TOTAL: USD 218.655 million = UA 152.043 million
(Source: From uploaded appraisal report page X )
The regional operation to be financed in the form of ADF-14 loans/grants (country allocations and Regional Operations (RO) window), the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the Strategic Climate Fund/Forest Investment Programme (SCF/FIP), the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the European Union (EU), the countries concerned, the ABN and the beneficiaries. The regional component, which will benefit all NBA member countries, is funded through GEF and GCF grants.
(Source: Page 8 of uploaded appraisal report).
Task Manager: GARBA Louali, AHAI2 / no contact details provided at the time of disclosure
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