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The overall objective of the Project is to support the GoU's efforts to achieve sustainable provision of safe water and hygienic sanitation, based on management responsibility and ownership by users to 90% of the urban population by the year 2022, with improved resilience to Climate change effects.
The project will have 3 components whose specific outputs are:
a) Urban water supply: town water supply systems will be constructed covering 30 strategic towns, especially targeting District Headquarters, which are highly urbanizing and highly populated. Activities will include drilling of production wells, hydrological and surface water investigations, designs and construction of water supply infrastructure, including related activities of mobilisation and capacity building of beneficiary community to actively participate in WATSAN activities. Cross cutting issues which require active community participation will be incorporated as key activities and these include sensitization on HIV/AIDS, gender mainstreaming, integration of good governance principles and environment/catchment protection.
b)Urban sanitation improvement: Improved urban sanitation and hygiene promotion will be undertaken in the towns of implementation. This will be conducted in line with the Urban Improved Sanitation and Hygiene strategy covering activities of sanitation and hygiene awareness creation, construction of public sanitation infrastructure, including on-site and off-site regional feacal sludge management facilities. Community and selected masons will also be trained in appropriate sanitation construction and management. Using IEC materials, the community ad schools will be sensitised on sanitation management.
c)Sector program support: The Project will also support implementation of the Urban Water Sub-sector capacity building strategy aiming at establishing an effective regulatory framework for urban water and sanitation services and improving mainstreaming of cross-cutting issues of gender, HIV/AIDS, Environment and Climate Change resilience within Urban water and sanitation sub-sector. This will also include training of urban subsector staff in appropriate water and sanitation approaches, procurement and contract management. Program will also support Good Governance initiatives, program audits and joint monitoring and evaluation.
The overall objective of the Project is to support the GoU's efforts to achieve sustainable provision of safe water and hygienic sanitation, based on management responsibility and ownership by users to 90% of the urban population by the year 2022, with improved resilience to Climate change effects.
MBIRO Andrew - RDGE2
Email contact information not provided at the time of disclosure.
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