Original disclosure @ AFDB website
Updated in EWS May 17, 2023
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According to the Bank’s website, the proposed operation is an additional financing of UA 6 million is to the ongoing Agricultural Markets, Value Addition and Trade Development Project (AMVAT) to create greater development impact and as an emergency response. AMVAT Project is an ongoing Bank project in South Sudan financed through an ADF-15 grant of UA 5.53 million and a TSF-I grant of UA 4.47 million, with its last disbursement date in September 2025. The South Sudan Emergency Food Production Programme - Project-1 (SSEFPP-1) will specifically complement the AMVAT component 1 to increase agricultural productivity and production; component 3 to enhance market and trade enabling environment, including strengthening institutional capacity; and component 4 on project management and coordination. The proposed SSEFPP-1 therefore aims to increase production and productivity by increasing use of improved seeds, fertilizer and quality extension services, including development of guidelines and protocols for seed certification and fertilizer usage.
The Project will also address the country's external shocks occasioned by the Russia-Ukraine war, the lingering effects of COVID-19, and climate-change induced crop failures, among other stresses. The project will be implemented through 3 components: (i) Large-scale delivery of agricultural inputs (improved seeds and fertilizer) and extension services to male and female farmers; (ii) Development of seed and fertilizer frameworks, and institutional capacity strengthening; and (iii) Project management and coordination.
The overall sector goal remains the AMVAT goal, to contribute to reduced food insecurity, poverty reduction, economic growth and building of community and household resilience and social cohesion. The specific SSEFPP-1 Development Objective (PDO) is to boost local food production and strengthen the resilience of food systems to mitigate short and long-term risks due to the war in Ukraine and climate-induced stresses.
Mekonnen Kifle LOULSEGED
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