Original disclosure @ AFDB website
Updated in EWS Jan 12, 2023
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According to project documents:
The Food Security Support Project in the Louga, Matam and Kaffrine Regions (PASA/LMK), which started in 2014, has achieved appreciable results in economic, environmental and social terms at its various intervention sites thanks to the hydro-agricultural infrastructure set up in close collaboration with the beneficiary rural communities. The project has facilitated access to diversified agricultural and pastoral infrastructure (2,450 ha of lowland rice fields, 320 ha of modern agricultural farms, 18 pastoral boreholes, etc.), as well as to adapted technologies, services and training for about 18,628 small producers, women and young people, and their organisations. It has also raised the hopes of the population faced with the problems of climate change. The grant awarded by the Global Agriculture and Food Security Programme (GAFSP) aims to consolidate the gains of PASA/LMK by providing specific and targeted support to more than 20,128 farmers and stockbreeders, 1,500 of whom are specifically targeted by infrastructure rehabilitation and training activities that would enable them to cope with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the recent negative fallout from the war in Ukraine.
The activities proposed for the grant to Senegal will contribute to the overall development objective of PASA/LMK, namely "contribute to food security and increase the income of small producers in the project impactareas". They will strengthen components A and B of the current project, devoted to the development and enhancement of various agro-pastoral infrastructure. The expected results of the C19 PASA/LMK project will help mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and build climate resilienceby (i) reducing climate risks through water and climate resilient seeds/inputs control; (ii) increasing agro-sylvo-pastoral production and income through support forthe development of value chains in the targeted sectors; (iii) improving access to storage, conservation and processing infrastructure; (iv) promoting employment and entrepreneurship among young people and women; and (v) building the capacities of stakeholders (central and decentralised technical services, local authorities, farmers' organisations, private sector, etc.)
The project area is the same as that of PASA/LMK, which covers three administrative regions located in the Centre/North of Senegal (Louga, Matam and Kaffrine), representing one third of the national territory and comprising 10 departments and 83 communes. The area has a population of approximately 1,960,000. This area was selected because of its poverty (incidence of between 45.2% and 63.8%) and recurrent food insecurity (global acute malnutrition rate of between 11 and 14% at end-2011). The priority targets of the project are small-scale producers (men and women) residing in the three programme intervention regions. The project's beneficiaries will be not only the families of producers and breeders directly affected by the activities promoted to increase production, but also the inhabitants of neighbouring villages whose living conditions will improve thanks to greater availability of food, the opening up of access to the area and the multiplication of drinking water supply points. It is estimated that 20,128 people will benefit directly from the effects of the entire PASA/LMK programme, including the supplementary funding, and approximately 400,000 people will be indirectly impacted, of whom approximately 200,000 will benefit from the impact of the rural road development component.
The stated investment in the documents is U.A. 3,363,401.
Project contacts not available at the time of disclosure.
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