Original disclosure @ AFDB website
Updated in EWS Sep 8, 2020
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According to bak documents, FCSP's overarching goal is to spur fiscal consolidation in Sierra Leone through increased resource mobilization, pro-poor budget allocation (especially for basic and secondary schools, and girls education) and strengthened budget execution oversight. In other words, the program's aim is to support implementation of the public finance management (PFM), revenue management and transparency and public expenditures effectiveness and transparency. The measures supported by the PBO are expected to have a positive impact through increasing public expenditure in line with the NDP priorities and make progress towards economic growth and poverty reduction. More specifically, the program will support key reform measures in two areas aimed at (i) strengthening revenue administration, and (ii) improving effectiveness and transparency of expenditures management.
The Fiscal Consolidation Support Programme (FCSP) in Sierra Leone aims to support the stabilization of country's macroeconomic framework and enhance revenue mobilization and public expenditures management. FSCP is a programmatic budget support series spanning two years (2019-2020) intending at the consolidation of the country's fiscal stance to carry out reforms for strengthening budgeting processes efficiency and transparency; and promoting girl's education. The programme has two mutually complementary components in order to ensure the effectiveness of public action in terms of the public finance management of the country. These two components are: (i) Improving revenue mobilization and debt management; and (ii) strengthening public expenditure management efficiency and transparency. The total programme cost is UA 15.00 million. Its implementation will provide almost 24% of the financing needs for fiscal year 2019.
KAMANGA Fenwick Dingiswayo
The Independent Review Mechanism (IRM), which is administered by the Compliance Review and Mediation Unit (CRMU), is the independent complaint mechanism and fact-finding body for people who have been or are likely to be adversely affected by an African Development Bank (AfDB)-financed project. If you submit a complaint to the IRM, it may assist you by either seeking to address your problems by facilitating a dispute resolution dialogue between you and those implementing the project and/or investigating whether the AfDB complied with its policies to prevent environmental and social harms. You can submit a complaint electronically by emailing crmuinfo@afdb.org, b.kargougou@afdb.org, b.fall@afdb.org, and/or s.toure@afdb.org. You can learn more about the IRM and how to file a complaint at https://www.afdb.org/en/independent-review-mechanism/.